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tv   11 News Saturday Morning  NBC  July 2, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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for more information about today's show including details about the people and the places we've profiled log onto our website in wine country dot com. celebrate the life of a mother and daughter found murdered. >> another invasion by police impersonators. are the incidents related? could an audit of the state highway administration lead to criminal charges? officials want you to play it safe this 4th of july weekend. "11 news saturday morning" starts right now. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] >> welcome to "11 news saturday morning". >> we will get to the top stories but first let's check outside with meteorologist john
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collins. >> another beautiful morning. that is like three in a row. >> you get a gold star. things may change a little bit through the weekend. on the whole very summer-like. i'm torn between the need for rain and need for dry weather because everybody is celebrating the 4th of july. we have a chance of rain later on. right now clear out there. 61 at b.w.i., 87% humidity. 30.06 barometer. high pressure keeping rain away from us. winds are calm. very nice morning out there. also 61 on tv hill. we begin to carefully watch rain out to the west. details are coming up. >> our big story, family and friends return to the crime scene to remember a mother and daughter murdered. >> elicia avery was found shot
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to death in a motel with her 4-year-old daughter. we have more on how the victims are being remembered. >> i'm never going to have a chance to say goodbye to my daughter properly. >> i'm just devastated by everything. it still hasn't fully hit me. >> her parents have cried every day since she and her daughter were discovered shot to death in a baltimore county motel. tonight loved ones lit candles and shared memories of the mother and daughter. alicia loved to sing and her daughter had an infectious personality. >> they were beautiful people. to get to know them you would love them. >> they had not been seen or heard from in four days when their bodies were found in a room in the welcome inn motel.
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within days her fiance was charged with the murders. her mother sayers the relationship between avery and he had soured in the days before the shooting. >> i knew that he was the one. she was tired. she was stressing her out and she was going through so much. i'm praying for him because he needs a lot of prayer. something is really wrong with him upstairs and mentally. he really needs a lot of prayer. >> we ask in the name of jesus. >> she left another daughter and her mother said she was so excited to be pregnant with twin boys. >> i know they are resting in god's arms and my family is with her. so i know she is ok and god closed her eyes before she could going on with her and my grand baby. >> there is no word on the circumstances surrounding a body found floating in the inner harbor.
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skyteam 11 was live over the scene friday when crews found a man unconscious near the boat access ramp. they are working to confirm his identity. a convict is behind bars again accuse accused of gunning down a korean businessman. william carr shot and killed chong wan yam on tuesday who was making a delivery to erdman liquors. carr has a lengthy criminal record. he was released last year after serving part of a sentence for armed robbery. the state's attorney launched an initiative aimed at keeping repeat violent offenders behind bars longer. the second home invasion by police impersonators has the police department concerned about public trust. victims much bound and gagged by men in their federal hill home. lowell melser has more. >> police say it was around 3:00 when two it to three
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men broke through the door of this row home in the 1600 block of elkton's lane. they i.d.'d themselves as baltimore police officers, bound and gagged a male and female, ram sacked the home and only got away with a cell phone. >> we are concerned. these individuals are coming in at all hours claiming to be a warrant unit identifying themselves as baltimore police officers and immediately people identify and they have a trust for the police officers. at first their guard is put down and quickly this couple realized these individuals were up to no good. >> this is the second crime in a week in the city. june 27 in northeast baltimore police say suspects kicked in the door of a home in the 1500 block of medford road identifying themselves as police. a male victim was shot. in federal hill we spoke with one victim off camera about the incident. he was too afraid to use his
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voice on camera. he said the suspects used a crowbar to burst down the door and he swore that he had a gun pointed at his head. police say they will step up patrols as they worry about trust issues between citizen and the police. >> when an officer comes to your door and identifies himself as a police officer immediately you are going to be more cooperative than you would a stranger. that is what concerns us. these individuals are taking the authority of police officers, the trust that police have between citizens and officers and they are exploiting that. >> city police say their warrant operation targeting violent was a success such that the mayor is extending it another two weeks. they are looking to get an additional 100 violent criminals off the streets. >> the number one thing communities are talking about is public safety making sure we are not taking our eye off of our
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goal of creating a safer city. >> in just 30 days the initiative has cleared more than 1,000 warrants and arrested nearly 640 suspects. meanwhile city residents can receive instant updates on crime alerts. the e-mail and text alert allows them to sign up for alerts by individual police district and neighborhood. the mayor calls the service an important addition to improving communication. you can find out how to subscribe at and click on local news. >> the c.e.o. of the baltimore city school system is staying put. he has accepted a new four-year contract. he will be paid $260,000 a year, a monthly cost stipend and undisclosed performance bonuses. this comes amid significant decline in scores in baltimore
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and test tampering when the city noted peak exam scores. the salaries of 7,800 baltimore county government employees are posted on line for everyone to see. earning nearly $205,000 is the police chief jim johnson the highest paid employee. director of information technology earns the second highest at $199,000. state's attorney makes just more than $194,000. the county executive who made a campaign promise to release the salaries earns $150,000 a year. >> budget belts are front and center across the country. state parks and road projects are shut down in minnesota this holiday weekend and in washington lawmakers are going in the long weekend with short tempers. >> in minnesota -- >> this is a very night of deep
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sorrow. when they couldn't agree on a budget deal the state government shut down. >> this governor has chosen maximum pain for political gain. >> over the holiday weekend there state parks will be closed, road projects stopped, tens of thousands laid off. >> it will be a lot of work to move somewhere else and find another job. >> what was the road block in budget talks? the government wanted tax increases. the republican legislature spending cuts and it does sound like the debt debate in washington where congress has one month to raise the borrowing limit or risk default. republicans want spending cuts. >> we keep raising the debt ceiling that is not a long-term strategy. democrats insist on closing tax for the wealthy. >> somebody who has an a.t.m. account of $100 million should be paying their fair share. >> while manufacturing did tick up slightly in justin any recovery could be threatened by
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default. lawmakers headed for a shortened holiday break the tone in washington continued to head south. in a week where the president scolded congress. >> if you know you have to do do just >> and republicans told him to take a pillment many experts say failure to come down could be catastrophe. >> the white house says july 22 is a more accurate debt ceiling deadline than august 2 because it would take a few days to implement changes. >> he really did say take a valium? >> same as like a chill pill. >> that is the first time it has been said. a dollar figure has been reached in the exxonmobil gas leak. how much the victims are expected to receive. >> are you ready to take your dog to dinner with you? new state laws are in effect.
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>> first, that is a live picture outside. john has the holiday forecast next. stay with us. "11 news saturday morning" is just getting started. she notices when my skin's rough. (announcer) gold bond ultimate softening lotion. with shea butter for soft healthy skin. gold bond ultimate softening. this stuff really works.
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>> clear as a bell outside
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thaorpb this comfortable.ery radar shows clear here. you head west to ohio and indiana and it is raining. yesterday morning it was not rain ing raining in ohio, it was all in indiana. disturbances in the great lakes are pushing south and east but we will have to watch that later today. more than likely tonight and tomorrow morning that stuff should start to cross the mountains and edge toward the bay and increase the rain chances for tomorrow. today looks like a good one. we are just a few wisps of clouds. it is 60 here. humidity 87%, showing a rising tendency the past couple hours in the barometer. winds are calm. very nice. the dominant wind today is more from the south. yesterday it was more from the north. that is an indication temps will rise a little bit and will go up.
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we take a look at -- this is our radar. we want to look at our main computer and show you some other numbers that we have. b. wfplt eufp high was 89 marshall the yesterday. the humidity should go up a little bit today to make that 91 or whatever. seem a little warmer. it will feel warmer. 60 and 74 were the lows yesterday with no rain. we could use some rain out to the west an northwest. so somewhere this weekend we will get some. a fly in the ointment i guess in view of the holiday. 64 on the boardwalk, 63 westminster. in the 50's to around 60 in western maryland right now. satellite shows the east is still clear with the high pressure, the dominant feature. storms from the north push a little closer to us as the high
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edges farther east. here is what the map will look like this evening. rain gets closer to the mountains of pennsylvania and pushes east during tomorrow. the forecast today generally good, mostly sunny but by the end of the day an isolated storm west and rain chances begin to edge closer. 88 to 92 the high and just a hint of more humidity today. by there evening we begin to see storm activity to the west and in moves it and we may see a shower in the early morning and as the front comes through sunday scattered showers and thunderstorms. monday most of that should push south of us so it looks like the actual 4th of july day looks fine here. the ocean city forecast good today, tomorrow thunderstorms and monday the rain chance of showers early but most of the day is fine at ocean city, too. seven-day forecast, 90 today, 91 tomorrow, hot and humid over the
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weekend and 4th. rain chances scattered. today pretty nil, tomorrow highest chance and then pushing out on monday. half of next week looks dry, half is a rain chance. >> what cell phone conversations with family members reveal about your relationship. >> maria shriver is filing for divorce from arnold schwarzenegger after 25 years. >> before you celebrate the safety precautions that officials want you to keep in officials want you to keep in mind. caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless.
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[ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak.
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>> the time is 5:19. if you have a teen your teen has a cell phone probably. 80% of teens have them and cell phone conversations between family members apparently reveal a lot about their relationships.
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>> cell phones make it easier for parents and teens to stay in touch. but the nature and tone of their calls can affect their relationship and sever esteem. >> our relationship is good, i guess as a mom and son. >> no crossed wires is the title of a new study where 196 pairs of a teen and parent answered questionnaires about calls to one another and their impact. we talked to some moms and daughters about their cell phone relationship. >> you would never call your mom just to chat. >> all right. you can say any conversation no. it is basically just to keep in contact. >> at work i call often, like three times during the night to make sure they are ok and in bed or they have eaten and showered and they are in bed within a
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certain amount of time. >> one consideration, who initiates. >> she usually calls me. i only call her if i need her most of the time. or to say something about my sister. >> the cross wires study finds call their parents for guidance or support report better relationships. parents who initiate calls to monitor, track schoolwork or when they are upset were associated with increased conflict. teens said they feel worse about themselves when parents angrily call them. parents also feel worse about themselves when they call when upset. sherry and kim say their cell phone interactions enhanced their relationship. >> i'm one of those random good teenagers in the world that i my mom when i do anything. so, like i call her constantly just it tell her what is going on. we are so lucky we get along so well and in some way cell phones
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have made it better because it is easier to keep the line of communication open. even if i know she is upset sometimes there are things she may not want to sit in front of me and talk about but if we are on the phone or texting sometimes she is more open than face to face. >> that was diana gonzalez. a new study shows what every parent knows. even young babies respond to adult voices and emotion. researchers used functional m.r.i.'s on sleeping babies between three and seven months old. when they played audit yes of human sounds like coughing, or yawning the babies had more activity in the part of processing own for human voices. this didn't occur when they heard other sounds like toys or water. to study might n might be used study babies with communication problems like autism. before you and your family
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celebrate the 4th of july think safety. is a look at some events going on around town this weekend. honey, why aren't you playing with your friends?
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i am playing with my friends. hey, mrs. d... joseph? sarah! it's mommy's turn now. let's go. [ male announcer ] the average home has over four internet-connected devices. we were gonna storm the castle. i love your hair. [ sarah ] thanks i went to your guy. it's perfect.
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i thought we were storming the castle. [ male announcer ] that's why you need the internet rated #1 for supporting multiple users and devices simultaneously. verizon fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-tty/v. >> local students got into the holiday spirit. at harbor school they held their ninth annual independence day play and float contest. they made floats representing
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the theme of achieving independence. the winning class will get a trophy for best in show. fireworks, cook outs, fourth of july is here and while it is a cause for celebration officials urge you to be safe safe. >> 84% of the fatalities we have seen on the water recently, over eight out of 10 didn't have a life jacket on. that is why the coast guard wants you to make sure you have enough live jackets. in addition to having a v.h.f. radio also have a float plan in place. >> let somebody know where you are going, what your plans are. it could be as simple as here is my plan, i'm leaving at this time, i have this many people. >> you may want to think twice about drinking alcohol on board. not only is it dangerous but it could cost you more.
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>> jail time involved, heavy fine. the >> fireworks and the 4th of july go land in hand but it sent 8,600 to the emergency room with serious injuries. >> it can fracture the bone, tear tendons. obviously it with blow to pieces parts of the hand. >> similar it somebody throwing a fire cracker when it is near their eye you see the burns that occurred to this hard boiled egg to single lay the -- simulate the eye. you apply that to an eyeball you have scarring on the cornea and rupture of the globe. >> to prevent injuries like these from happening keep an eye on little ones at all times. >> still looking for something to do on the fourth of july? you will find fireworks and other celebrations around town
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and we will have the latest holiday forecast and tie-ups and we want to see how much fun you had. share your holiday pictures and video on u-local and go to here is a tip. don't do what i did. is this fire ever going to start? >> oh, no! >> burned my eyelashes. >> still here to talk about it. it is now 5:28 and 61 degrees on tv hill. an audit of the state highway shows possible misuse of funds. the i-team investigates. >> what officials believe caused a fire at a shopping center.
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>> welcome back to "11 news saturday morning." thanks for joining us. john is here with another look outside. you seem to be trying to say something is coming. >> we are trying to hedge it. we have had two or three good days, really comfortable, very nice. low humidity. it is summertime. it can't last forever. >> can't it at least last through the fourth? john is not mother nature. >> no, i just delachase it arou.
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we have stuff to the west. the winds have become more southerly. so the southerly, that jacks up the temperature and humidity. stuff out to the west generally gets closer to us by -- you know, over a period of time. we have the three-day weekend now, four-day if you count a lot of folks taking yesterday, too. that is plenty of time for a lot of changes. we see rain in ohio on the radar well west of us. it won't be a problem today. but later tonight and tomorrow we could see rain. we will talk about that with the plus forecast. >> looking at some top stories the 15-year-old shot and killed during a sleepover last weekend has been laid to rest. michael brooks was at a friend's house when investigators say an 11-year-old found the gun in the home and while handling it he accidentally shot brooks in the head. they found a total of 22 guns in
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home. so far no charges have been filed but police are investigating that case. fire investigators are trying to figure out what sparked a blaze that spread through a vacant shopping center in randallstown. officials believe a gas line fueled the flames. it took crews about an hour to put the fire out and there were no reports of injuries. >> exxonmobil faces more than a billion dollars in punitive damages in a case involving a gas leak. a baltimore county civil jury returned the verdict thursday. 160 residents and business owners sued exxonmobil after a leak spoiled their ground water in 2006. the company says it will appeal. >> a special review of the state could administration lead to criminal charges against employees.
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barry simms investigates the audit has turned up evidence suggesting the agency may have improperly used contract funds. >> maryland's highway administration plans and builds and maintains the roads of the state. now it is responding to serious allegations about how those jobs are done. a tip called into the state fraud hotline led to a review of the state highway administration. it was conducted from july to december of 2010. the findings are major. >> employees have to be cognizant that they work for the state government and they have to be accountable to the taxpayers. >> a senior manager at the office of construction appeared to have solicited funds from firms doing business with s.h.a. possibly violating state ethics laws, the governor's executive order and s.h.a.'s own policies. the review found seven firms were listed as sponsors for a charity event. five of the firms had ongoing contracts with s.h.a. two of them had each been awarded $16
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million contracts. they reviewed how the employee may have tried to speed up the awarding by sending an e-mail that reads "we need to get this contract out as soon as possible. as it is long overdo. we want to get it resolved." the review determined that senior employee was hired by a firm within 12 days after retiring from s.h.a. and was in s.h.a. volved granting a $16 million contract and continued involvement with the contract as an executive of the company that hired him. >> it is strictly prohibited. >> the investigation further revealed one company has 35 former s.h.a. employees on the payroll. the review found s.h.a. circumvented and didn't adequately document the bidding process for one project into others. >> when you use the funds for something like a computer sys m system, that is not what it was
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intended for. if you need the computer system you have to go back and get that authorization. >> maryland department of transportation secretary admits the findings are troubling. >> i'm very disappointed. the audit shows that we had two employees, both former employees now, who clearly violated the ethics laws, had potential of interest. >> the timing of the review was coincidental. she said peterson was working with state auditors to clean up problems and make improvements. the message for state employees. >> it is important to make sure we get the work on the street but it is equally important that we do it in a transparent way and that again the rules are there for a very good reason and we need to follow them. >> the review has been turned over to the attorney general for possible criminal charges. only two s.h.a. contracts were part of the review but now state auditors are looking at others. to see the full review go to
5:36 am and click on i-team. reporting from the studio, barry simms, wbal 11 news. >> no bail for former i.m.f. chief dominic strauss-kahn after credibility questions surface about the hotel maid accusing him of remain. >> from dining with your dog to having wine shipped to your door, a look at new state laws. >> i thought you were going to say having wine with your dog. >> that would be a bad combination, right, john? >> it is a holiday weekend. we have a need for rain but we have a need for picnic without rain. we will see what is going to happen with the i'm a dancer. and until now, my feet showed it. [ female announcer ] gold bond ultimate healing foot cream. 7 penetrating moisturizers and vitamins, 'cause foot skin's 20 times thicker. this stuff really works.
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hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains
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and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios.
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>> another beautiful morning. a key difference is the winds are really calm but the dominant wind is more from the south than from the north. that is a change because a weather system out west is getting closer and the rains that were in indiana yesterday, good heavy rains near chicago and south bend, have moved east now and they are in ohio and that eastward progression of rain and rain chance will continue through the weekend. so, we will probably get involved with some rain at some point over this holiday weekend. we need the rain, so the fact that it is coming is not bad. it is just the timing. keep an eye in the sky. right now it is fine. it is clear, a couple of clouds here and there. contrails. jet that is about it. 61 at the airport, tv hill 60. 87% humidity. that is high.
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it is always in the early morning but it will drop off. but it won't drop of as far as it did yesterday. 30.07 the barometer rising. south wind will not only bring up the temps but bring up the humidity a little bit. we will start to notice that. then tomorrow the humidity really shoots up. boardwalk is 64. edgewood 65. westminster 63. oakland 64. with that high elevation oakland and 64 and indication the air is beginning to warm up at the higher levels. there is an indication we will see more of the higher temps today. satellite picture clear over us, a couple of wispy clouds over the jersey shore and delaware and to the mountains to the west. there is the rain in ohio and indiana. a warm front out there. here is the high pressure. it is beginning to erode from the west a little bitnd get
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squeezed. that means we are losing the high. the high has been responsible for the great weather. that will allow this system out west to come in. there is a good southerly flow ahead of it and warm humid air this morning. hot yesterday in the southern plains. will move our direction as well. temperatures, dallas-fort worth 83, 78 kansas city, 79 st. louis. so there is some warm temperatures all on the way. so our forecast today puts us into the low 90's. mostly sunny and isolated storm to the west. there is a chance this afternoon and evening. south winds 10 miles an hour. future cast shows overnight showers moving through and rain chance as the cold front approaches increase tomorrow during the day. but by monday the rain pushes to the south and we dry out just in time for fireworks. so the 4th of july forecast, 90 today, 91 tomorrow and 88 monday. rain chance each day but highest
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are sunday. today the chance are mostly west and late. monday's chances mostly in the morning and south. so, basically that is a good forecast. >> new laws are in effect. some will cost you more and some will let you take your pet out to eat. you can direct ship wine to your home. david collins has the list. >> now it is the time for direct wine. shipments from the vine to your home is legal. state controller is among the first to place an order. he did it in person in baltimore county. the state made applications available june 10 and up to 30 wineries have signed up. tax on control increases from 6% to 9%. so many bar owners are considering round being the men think increase to the nearest quarters. caters will have to keep mets particular husband --
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meticulous records. the new tax is expected to discriminate $87 -- generate $87 million each year. next year the cash goes into the general funds. governor o'malley committed in a letter to health advocates that he will try to help funds their cause in further years through the budget process. a $7.5 million tax creditor producing films in maryland takes effect and so does the income tax credit for 20% of cost of electric vehicle rekherpblging equipment. the amount of money state employees will pay for requirement goes up from 5% to 7% and those hired after july 1 will be vested in the plan in 10 years rather than five. the state department of education will be developing policies to raise awareness about the risk of concussions and head injuries in sports and dogs will be allowed to dine out doors at participating
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restaurants with their owners. >> good. you can see all the new laws on our website, >> leave it to dave collins to finds that. >> he does have a sense of humor. weeks after arnold revealed he r fathered a child with another woman his wife is filing to are divorce. >> we will have the latest in the casey anthony murder trial. >> first, here is a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. honey, why aren't you playing with your friends?
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i am playing with my friends. hey, mrs. d... joseph? sarah!
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it's mommy's turn now. let's go. [ male announcer ] the average home has over four internet-connected devices. we were gonna storm the castle. i love your hair. [ sarah ] thanks i went to your guy. it's perfect. i thought we were storming the castle. [ male announcer ] that's why you need the internet rated #1 for supporting multiple users and devices simultaneously. verizon fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-tty/v. fiber one. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? uh, try the number one! i've never heard of that. [ wife ] it's great. it's a sweet honey cereal, you'll love it. yeah, this is pretty good. are you guys alright? yeah. [ male announcer ] half a days worth of fiber. not that anyone has to know. fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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>> a stunning turn in the case involving one of the world's most powerful men dominic strauss-kahn was released from house arrest after prosecutors say the woman who accused him of sexual assault in a new york hotel room may have serious credibility problems. prosecutors say she lied about being raped in the past. >> many times the prosecutors and to me she lied and she has never once changed a single thing about that account. >> we are absolutely convinced that while today is a first giant step in the right direction the next step will lead to a complete dismissal of the charges. >> strauss-kahn still faces charges but the move could be the beginning of the end of this case.
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strauss-kahn's passport has been revoked. his next court appearance is july 18 fp. closing argument in the casey are set forer trial tomorrow. both sides will have the day off to prepare and settle on final instructions for the jury. jay gray has more. >> no, i am not. >> more legal bickering began the proceedings and clearly tested the patience of the judge. >> i hope this is a real problem and not an imaginary problem. >> the debate centers on elements the prosecution plans to use during rebuttal to count are two key issues from the defense. elements the defense says shouldn't be allowed in court. >> they can't decide to ambush the defense after the defense rested their case. >> the state wants to provide a scientist to challenge defense expe experts who question the autopsy on caylee anthony's remains. >> it is a shoddy autopsy.
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excuse the expression but you provoked it. issue is testimony from casey's mom. >> i started to look up chloroform and then chlorophyll. but experts testified there were no searchs for the term cindy said she was looking for. >> when you searched for chlorophyll you said there were no hits during the key word searches. >> that's correct. >> the jury heard from the chief cindy nce officer where anthony worked. >> there is activity throughout the account, throughout the user i.d. through the afternoon. >> prosecutors trying to show cindy was at work as her time sheets indicated instead of searching on a home computer as she testified. >> maria shriver has filed for divorce against arnold schwarzenegger. she filed it in los angeles
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court friday. she cited irreconcilable differences and is seeking spoufrl support around joint custody of their children. there is six weeks after the former governor admitted to faring a child with a former employee. >> now he is out galavanting around getting ready to restart his movie career. don't go away. we have much more to come. >> you heard the phrase nothing much doing here. that almost literally describes that aconsumers today haveribes a legitimate concern about the chicken they eat.
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they want to know more about how they were raised, what they were fed. we spend a lot of time on the feed because a chicken is what it eats. [ jim ] this seal verifies we feed my fresh all-natural chickens an all-vegetarian diet including corn, soybeans, and marigolds. we actually ask the usda to come check us. we have never fed steroids or hormones and never will. no blood meal, no meat and bone meal. yuck. no animal by-products. it means when you put my chicken on the table, you know where it came from.
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>> tough name to say, atlanta starter jair jurrjens one-hit the orioles in atlanta last night as the braves won 4-0 to open up the road trip in the loss column. jurrjens sensational. second inning, adam jones -- no, check that. that is scott, no match. adam jones only one that got a hit, in the seventh. before the orioles could get a
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hit the braves got their first two reasons. jason heyward with a two-run homer. nick markakis' consecutive game hit streak ends with the final out of the game. adam jones says the story starts and ends with the braves pitcher in the 4-0 loss. >> man, there were times i was seeing 2-0 change-ups and you kept everybody off balance. in that same conversation there were pitchs to hit that we fouled off or missed. that is the nature of the game. >> in their first year under randy edsall the terps football team will have less time to pretty much each week because they have last practice team in the coming season as part of a violation. according to the sun they will lose practice team because maryland exceeded ncaa practice time limits last year and violated rules regarding summer
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woubgs. to their credit the terps self-reported the violation. maryland will lose 2.5 hours each week that is more than 10% of the total allotted practice and workout time. time was in college football when the name of a conference had a common sense ring. big ten had 10 teams in it. not so much. with yesterday's official exit from the big 12 and entrance into the big ten nebraska turns that up side down. the big ten has 12 teams and the big 12 with 10. this is a day after the pac-10 became the pack 12. colorado is on the pacific coast and big ten has 12 teams and big 12 has 10 and we wonder why student athletes struggle to get college degrees. you never see the wimbledon highlights on the last day
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featuring a british champion. you have not seen it for 75 years and you won't see it again this year as andy murray carried hoefrps against rafael nadal. pippa middleton watching. murray in the far court keeping the hopes afloat with a nice dropped shot at the net. he won the set. tied one set apiece from there it was rafael nadal. third set nadal far court monster forehand rips it across the court. from that point no looking back. match point and nadal serving, forehand winner to the corner. 20 straight wins at wimbledon for rafael nadal. he will face novak djokovic in the wimbledon finals. k.j. choi has the lead midway through the at&t national but you can make the case that so far the moment of the tournament belongs more to a boy than to choi. here is the moment. bradley's second shot. right into a luxury suite.
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a boy picks it up. no, no, don't touch that. that is what one of the adults tells him. look at his face, oh, i have done something wrong, haven't i. apparently bradley has a good sense of humor after he wound up with a birdie he gave the ball to the little kid. his expression a lot of joy and more relief. i'm jergerry sandusky hope your holiday weekend is off to a fantastic start. >> here is a look ahead to the next hour of "11 news saturday morning." friends celebrate the life of a mother and daughter murdered. >> dozens are either hitting the road or firing up the grill this weekend. a look at how to avoid possible dangers. >> we have a chance of rain right now in ohio so it is not come willing in during today. we will detail the forecast for the holiday weekend just ahead.
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>> it happened again and again you ask yourself why is cheating necessary? for the second time in as many years cheating on standardized tests has been exposed in baltimore city schools. announced last week by the c.e.o. an investigation at fort worthington and abbottson schools showed staff members erasing incorrect answers and replacing them with the correct
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answers. it also uncovered alternated attendance records that brought the school into the no child left behind. dr. alonzo called it an act of violence against our communities, parents and students. and added that two more schools were being scrutinized. regardless of whether more cheating is exposed once again staff members at these schools have been validated -- invalidated hard work to improve standardized test scores. often these test results are used to help determine federal funding and there is no question that with tightening budgets schools have to perform in order to ensure programs and for our students. but when teachers believe the only way to get ahead is to cheat there is more than a teacher salary at stake. the school's reputation, system attract the best and brightest teachers and ability for a child to truly get ahead all go up in smoke when test tampering tames. the city schools administration the city schools administration and state are to


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